Thursday, May 31, 2012

36 Weeks

days left!!!
How far along? 36 weeks (only 28 days to go)!
How is she growing: So fast! She's 6.5 lbs! At least I hope, but girl could be eight five for all I know--maybe taking after her favorite Titans RB, Chris J.
Weight gain so far: 29 lbs! I weigh the same as joon. haha. hopefully not for much longer. 
Stretch marks? Nope. Yay! Hope it holds out for another few weeks.
Belly button in or out: At this point it's stretched so far that it doesn't even look like I have a belly button.
Wardrobe situation: Two more maternity pants into the storage bin. At this rate, by the time I reach delivery, I will be resorting to an over-sized moo moo (likely borrowed from the elderly Mrs. Johnson down the street).
Sleep: and a lot of it. However, in order for me to get in a decent (6-8 hour) rest, I have to go to bed around 7:30 or 8 at night to make up for the hourly bathroom visits and 2am contractions.
Best moment this week: Seeing my darling joon. Even though we argued incessantly the whole weekend because we're both so frustrated with being separated, it was still, hands down, the best part of my week. Miss you like crazy baby. Can't wait to be together again.
Movement: Still squirming around in there. I think she is starting to descend into my pelvis, as I've noticed my belly shifting down. Yay! Means she is getting ready for the big day we've all been waiting for :).
Food cravings/aversions: I LOVE summer fruit...maybe even more than mint chocolate chip ice cream and hot fud--wait wait, what am I saying?! That can't be true. Fruit over ice cream? Yeah, these hormones are totally screwing me up.
What I miss: My favorite foods. Oh I can't wait to dig into a yummy medium rare steak, a side of sushi, and a salad topped with blue cheese.
Mood: Happy. Sad. Mad. Happy. Frustrated. Anxious. Confused. Lonely. Happy. And that was just in the past hour.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our beautiful daughter! Only a couple more weeks!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

35 Weeks

And apparently my new nickname is "watermelon."  Last weekend I stopped by a health fair at a local barbershop and one of the patients started calling me "watermelon." "Hey, watermelon, come over here," he said. So, now a growing number of people at my work are now calling me "watermelon." I'd have to say, it's hard to argue with them. I decided for my 35 week picture I would do a comparison shot from week 22. Here I am in my EB t-shirt at 22 weeks and now at 35 Watermelon is right.

How far along? 35 weeks!
How is she growing: About the size of a juicy summer watermelon.
Weight gain so far: 29 lbs! 
Stretch marks? Nothing yet. I just ordered more Bella B Tummy Honey Butter. I go through this stuff like pound cake.
Belly button in or out: An outie for sure and you can now see it through my t-shirts. Attractive.
Wardrobe situation: Really really need that pair of pajama jeans. I found some boxers that are too big for my husband and they truly have been a lifesaver this week. If it were up to me, I'd, without hesitation, go about my day in a roomy sports-bra and large boxers from old navy. But apparently that's inappropriate...even on casual Friday.
Sleep: Just exhausted...super super exhausted. I get really tired now just driving the 10 minutes to work. Somewhat surprised I make it through the 8-hour work day.
Best moment this week: Watching Lucas play with my nephew, Liam. He was so sweet with him, I was reassured he will be good with Natalie long as he doesn't try to sit in her lap :). 

Movement: A ton of movement the past couple of days. Feel like she's burrowing her way into my pelvis. Which means even more frequent bathroom breaks.
Food cravings/aversions: Forced myself to eat eggs this morning for some protein, but they have definitely made my aversion list. Really missing my love of vegetables, can't wait to get my taste back for salad and broccoli. But, on the bright side, still loving every kind of fruit and manage to get in 4 - 6 servings a day. 
What I miss: Just me...missing my old self. I think I've cried enough in the last couple of weeks to last me for the next couple of years.
Mood: The last few weeks have been challenging for joon and I. We both seem to want the same thing: to feel more connected. But, with his schedule and my exhaustion, its been hard to make that happen. We decided, not matter what, we're sticking together if any kind of move comes up for one of us in the future. I am a fan of this decision.
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing my husband this weekend and watching my brother graduate from high school! Congrats--go Mustangs! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

34 Weeks

And our little ninja baby is getting stronger and stronger everyday. She's really running out of room in there, and by the strength of her blows, there isn't much amniotic fluid left either. Only about a month before baby girl joins our family, can't wait to sign cards with "Love, The Caos"--wait, that looks a lot like we just misspelled "chaos"...haha, which may, in fact, be more accurate once we become a family of four.

How far along? 34 weeks!
How is she growing: About the size of a basketball (and I have the picture to prove it!). Despite what could have been perfect timing, sadly, we will not be cheering on our Rockets this year :(.  
Weight gain so far: Almost 30 lbs! Everyone says "It's all baby!", which I think they mean as a compliment, but all I can think is "It better not be all baby!".
Stretch marks? Nope :). Though someone scared me and said all her stretch marks showed up the week she gave birth. Apparently they can just pop up spontaneously right when you're about to give your belly a break.
Belly button in or out: Oh, so so an outie.
Wardrobe situation: Unless its made of spandex or offers a generous elastic waistline, its not happening. In fact, I seriously contemplated purchasing a pair of pajama jeans. But, I have a feeling Stacy and Clinton would not approve. Mairin, maybe this is our ticket to the $5,000 wardrobe!
Sleep: So very tired and sleep is nearly non-existent. Nature definitely has its way of preparing you for a baby.
Best moment this week: My first sort-of "Mother's Day" :):

Sweet card from my sister and soon-to-be auntie Kieran :)
Movement: Lots of big movements, punches and kicks...she's really fighting her way out of there.
Food cravings/aversions: Marinated flank steak with potatoes and sauteed spinach and onion. And mangos. And chocolate cake.
What I miss: Eating foods without worry. I have a feeling I won't be so careful with baby cao #2.
Mood: Still very tough without my husband. The distance has felt much further these past few weeks than ever before. I'm trying to remain in good spirits, and baby girl is a wonderful distraction.
What I'm looking forward to: Bringing the Cao family back together, with one very exciting addition :).

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

33 Weeks

And baby girl is really packing on the pounds. She's like those growing dinosaur toys we had as kids that when you put them in water, they expanded to 200x their original size. We really did have such simple amusements back in those days. On another note, Joon met me in SF this weekend for a Birthing From Within class. The class was super helpful and although it prepared me for "what to expect," I'm still feeling rather overwhelmed with the actual labor and delivery part. Since I have decided not to have an epidural, regardless of induction or no induction, I am a little more than terrified to dive into these uncharted waters.  Of course I say this all now, and won't be shocked if during transitional labor I find myself choking the doctor and screaming, "Give me the juice!" Okay, okay, here is our 33 week shot:

And here we are in the exact same spot, 10 months earlier...crazy, right?!

How far along? 33 weeks!
How is she growing: Weighs in at about 4.5 lbs--the size of a giant melon. 
Weight gain so far: 26 lbs and counting...I step on the scale again Friday and I have a feeling I'm getting close to 30 lbs. In fact, joon and I weighed ourselves and I'm about 10 lbs shy of trading jeans with him.
Stretch marks? Nope! Woot! Woot!
Belly button in or out: An outie all the way.
Wardrobe situation: Growing out of my maternity clothes is not only getting expensive, I am resorting only to the clothing items that fit, which really makes for some interesting outfits. Did you know lime green and navy match?
Sleep: I'm EXHAUSTED, but can only sleep about one hour at a time before my baby girl or my bladder wakes me up with a killer braxton hick's contraction.
Best moment this week: Taking Birthing From Within class with Joon. Here is a picture from the art session:
Center pictures: "Womb with a View"; Outside pictures: "The Opening"
Movement: Still my little ninja.
Food cravings/aversions: Fruit--mangos and kiwis. Really not liking eggs anymore.
What I miss: My body...don't get me wrong, I love feeling our baby, but I really miss being held close by my husband and sleeping on my belly. I think that's one of the first things I will do after I deliver, just lay on my belly for hours (haha, like I will have hours to lay down with a newborn).
Mood: Things have been pretty hard lately without my husband. I hope they get better soon.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our little one and being a family again.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Maternity Pictures! promised :). We were so fortunate to have my dear friend and photographer, Ayumi Pantell, take these photos (she is also responsible for our incredible wedding album :)).  Photos were taken on the Santa Monica Pier and nearby beach.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

32 Weeks

I am a little past due on my post...I am actually hitting 33 weeks--whoa mama! Can't believe only a few weeks left. Which means things have become rather hectic, and my blog has suffered. Sorry for such a late post. We did take maternity pictures a couple of weeks ago and I had my baby shower last weekend--so, in short, I have a ton to share. Hopefully I'll be able to post both soon. Here's my 32 week shot, can't believe that dress still (sort of) fits--thank you spandex!

How far along? 32 weeks!
How is she growing: About the size of my favorite fruit right now--pineapple :). It's so worth the allergic reaction.
Weight gain so far: Lost a few pounds at my last appointment, so about 24 lbs so far. I think that means I need to eat more pound cake.
Stretch marks? Nope! I really hope it stays that way.
Belly button in or out: Okay, I admit, it is officially OUT.
Wardrobe situation: Still can pull off pre-maternity stretchy dresses :), but all else is destination maternity. Though, I am actually starting to grow out of many of my maternity clothes, I really didn't think that was possible.
Sleep: Getting worse and worse, leaving me super tired during the day. Those siestas I never took in Spain would really come in handy right about now.
Best moment this week: Baby shower at my Aunt Karen's! I have never felt so spoiled and so loved in my life! I really think baby girl has all she needs.
Movement: She is doing her yoga stretches as we speak. I think she just did the in-utero version of warrior...ouch!
Food cravings/aversions: Back to sushi this week. But, and I know I'll regret this once my husband reads it, I was really craving a juicy cheeseburger a couple days ago. I didn't indulge, but I seriously could have downed two double doubles without a second thought.
What I miss: Besides my husband?...nothing. Is really too much to ask? :(
Mood: Although I often get sad and lonely without joon around, I am, otherwise, pretty happy. So anxious for baby girl's arrival.
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing joon tomorrow and taking our birthing class in SF this weekend! Which means, by Monday, I'll be totally prepared to give birth. ha.