...our baby Cao is a girl! My husband and I went back and forth (but, secretly, I knew it was a girl all along :)). We couldn't be happier--and girls are immensely more fun to shop for. We already have two large storage bins filled with baby girl clothes--I really need to delete Zulily from my iPhone. Although most things we bought were great deals and necessary items, we (I should say "I") did splurge on the occasional "there is no way we'll ever come across something that cute again" dress or sleeper. I'll post some of the cute clothes we found and the brands in upcoming posts. Two posts for me in one day is nearly impossible to believe. Enough rambling, here are a few shots from the ultrasound:

I have to say that the idea of the 3-D ultrasound really freaked me out. I've seen ones in the past that have left me bruised with nightmares. This is why we went into the ultrasound asking ONLY for the 2-D, black and white, non-alienesque capture to see if we were (1) having a human child; and (2) whether or not that human child was a boy or a girl. However, when we weren't paying attention--BAM! out of nowhere the technician projects a "sneak peak" 3-D shot...and, instead of the expected reaction, I was surprised by the absolute love and adoration I felt when I saw the picture of her below...and without hesitation I blurted: "That's my daughter!":
Little foot :) |
I am in love with little Baby Cao! Can't wait to meet her.