Spring is finally here! And I'm two days away from leaving my 20s behind and entering the grown-up world of the 30s...I do hear they are better than the 20s though, so I'm somewhat anxious to begin that chapter in my life. I am getting more and more excited about our daughter coming into the world, but feeling more and more unprepared at the same time. There is so much to think about in the last few months...to take or not to take a birthing class, writing a birth plan, planning for emergencies (I wound up in L & D last weekend...long story, but all ok), packing a hospital bag (I really just thought I'd show up with my toothbrush and some onsies, apparently there's a lot more involved), pre-registering at hospital, and the list goes on and on. So, in an effort to reduce the stress of "baby prep", I treated myself to a MUCH NEEDED pedicure (I shouldn't admit to this, but it's been over a month since I've even been able to touch my feet, let alone tend to them).
How far along? 26 weeks!
How is she growing: I think she's still the size of a grilled pork banh mi, but with extra pork.
Weight gain so far: Close to 15. I find out the real number at next week's appt.
Stretch marks? None, thank you belly butter.
Belly button in or out: Still rather strange looking, but not quite either.
Wardrobe situation: So the punishment of no mint chocolate chip ice cream really worked! My pants finally made it to the tailor. No more rubber bands!
Sleep: Baby girl is waking up less during the night recently and is more active during the late afternoons. However, leg cramps and back aches have been a less pleasant replacement to her nightly nudges.
Best moment this week: Getting accepted to the UCLA Masters in Nursing program! I really hope they will allow me to defer, would hate to have to reapply. No way Daddy can be working 16 hour days and Mommy in class full time if we want baby girl to recognize us as parents. Plus, I'm not quite ready to write a "Good Dog, 'Lucas'" series. For those unfamiliar, "Good Dog, Carl" is a children's book series about a Rottweiler who gets left taking care of the baby while the mother goes out. The only line in the book something like "Look after the baby Carl, I'll be back shortly." The rest of the pages are filled with pictures of the dog and baby getting into mischief, followed by Carl cleaning the baby and the house up just in time for the mother's reappearance.
Movement: Still pretty erratic, I can't quite follow her cycle yet. Hopefully in the next few weeks. When I was in L & D last weekend, all the nurses kept talking about how active she was on the monitor. There were definitely a lot of nudges I could hear, but not feel, so she is still a little too small to feel everything.
Food cravings/aversions: Freeport bakery grandma cupcakes--so dangerous. I've been trying to resist the temptation, but once every couple of weeks, I cave. My aunt also sent me a recipe for strawberry jam and nutella crepes. Wow, I don't think I've ever tasted anything so wonderful since I've been pregnant. I am still dreaming about them a week later. Not many aversions, but my three week relationship with salad has ended. I really gave it a good run, but its time to move on...
What I miss: Sushi. And a deli sandwich.
Mood: Happy and anxious to see my husband tomorrow after almost 5 weeks!
What I'm looking forward to: Spending a week with joon and enjoying a yummy birthday dinner of homemade Persian food and Freeport Bakery buttermilk/buttercream cake.
I want to have some Freeport bakery cake too! Wish I was there to celebrate and so excited I have my ticket for June now...counting down the days! :)