Sunday, April 15, 2012

29 & 30 Weeks

Forgive me. The past two weeks I've been living in a cubicle, hunched over my computer ferociously typing a 65 page grant while consuming large amounts of joe joe's cookies and dried mango slices. I found that baby girl has picked up on this poor habit quickly and if I am overdue for one of these indulgences she lets me know...either with a strong punch to the kidney or a kick to my left lung. Though I've tried to be good about integrating a large helping of Greek yogurt and granola, often with a banana or apple on the side, her stubborn personality shines through and her kicking storm does not quiet until she gets her fair share of a joe-joe. I can see the terrible twos almost too vividly...darling joon, we really are in for it. Hope you're ready.

How far along? 30 weeks!
How is she growing: rapidly...
Weight gain so far: At my 30 week doctor's appointment last Friday, I stepped nonchalantly onto the scale only to be shocked by the increasing numbers ticking in front of me...4...5....6....7...12 lbs! How did I gain 12 lbs in two weeks?! My calm was suddenly transformed into hysteria with thoughts of a world record sized baby exiting a pathway I feared would never be the same again. As the perplexed MA wrote down the new numbers to alert my physician of this rapid weight gain, I felt heaviness on my body and looking down I found the true culprit...a 10 lb computer bag hanging silently from my left shoulder. 
Stretch marks? I thought I found one on my right side yesterday, but turns out it was the stretched scar of an incident involving my older sister and a fork...I believe the incident took place directly following the realization that she was no longer an only child.
Belly button in or out: Flat and very odd looking.
Wardrobe situation: 100% maternity (in public that is) you can see above, the only non maternity wear are my sweet new sunglasses and my new baby g from my baby c.
Sleep: Not great this past week, partly because of grant writing until the wee small hours of the morning. Leg cramps are still unwelcomingly present along with frequent trips to the bathroom. And as if that wasn't the worst of it, I've suddenly become Manny Pacquiao (or his opponent more likely), waking up with 2 to 3 nosebleeds a night! I do hope these go away soon..
Best moment this week: Besides getting new sunglasses?? ...maybe realizing, truly, that I am going to be a mother.
Movement: Lots of jabs, kicks, punches, squirms. I started noticing hiccups and stretches last week, seems like she is really getting cramped in there.
Food cravings/aversions: Still pound cake, but today I really really wanted a large bowl of cocoa I went to the store. And bought grape-nuts.
What I miss: My darling joon and tying my shoes in less than 10 minutes.
Mood: Happy and very anxious to meet our baby girl. Ahhh...I can't believe joon and I are going to be parents!
What I'm looking forward to: The baby shower :), seeing joon on Thursday, and finishing this grant!


  1. Hahahaha! A nurse once told me my work bag probably weighs as much as a small child! I looovveee the pictures! You should really consider becoming a pregnancy model. You're such a natural...can't wait to see the maternity pictures! I imagine they'll be like these with Chris in the background:D?

  2. Hola amiga!!! Do you remember me??? Cristina´s cousin, jijijiji!!! OMG, you are soooo pretty with your pregnancy!!! Congratulations!!!
    As you can see, I still have problems with English language...
    So nice to know about you!!!

    Besos y abrazos!!!


    1. Tere!!! Si, claro que si te recuerdo! Que tal? Como esta todo para ti en Espana? Te echo de menos, y Christina tambien! Un beso de California :)


  3. Oh Cait. You and Chris make me smile. I started going through photos and I adore the two of you. Taking a break for now but just wanted to pop in and tell you how excited I am to share these with you and how you two make being preggo look glamorous and romantic :)

    Love you!

    1. Aww Ums, it was so wonderful to see you last weekend and to take fun preggo pictures with you. Oh, and crossing police lines. rebel you. Can't wait to see how good you made us look, lol! See you Saturday!!!


