How far along? 31 weeks!
How is she growing: About the size of 5 large oranges...or 3lbs of my husband's favorite blend of philz coffee :).
Weight gain so far: After my 30 week scare, I've avoided scales entirely. However, I imagine I'm somewhere between last week's "I've really eaten a balanced diet" 25 lbs to this week's "I really can't stay away from the ice cream in the freezer" 30 lbs.
Stretch marks? None so far, but she sure is trying hard to give me a few.
Belly button in or out: Ack! Almost an outie!
Wardrobe situation: I've now gotten to the place where I am only willing to wear clothing items that I don't have to iron, which brings my maternity wardrobe down to only two pants and a skirt. I think by Thursday I may have to force myself to pull out the ironing board.
Sleep: Last night I slept almost 8 hours (not straight of course)--only 4 bathroom breaks! I've become quite skilled at sleep walking my way into and out of the bathroom, so much that I'm able to snuggle back into my bed to pick up where my dream left off. Though the labor nightmares have really taken a turn for the worst.
Best moment this week: Seeing joon and taking maternity pictures on the Pier in Santa Monica with my favorite photographer, Ayumi! Oh, and eating spring rolls with jasmine lime iced tea and chicken salad in bánh tiêu (sweet sesame pocket bread) from EB...mmmm.
Movement: I honestly don't think she slept all day...she's been kicking, punching, stretching non-stop since 7am. She's getting so big now that there's not much to cushion her blows and sometimes they really hurt. But I love you, my little ninja.
Food cravings/aversions: Egg salad sandwiches...I know, kind of stinky and gross, but they sound so good! And any fruit I can get my hands on. This week, it was mangoes and kiwis...thank you farmer's market.
What I miss: Really missing having my husband around, especially at this point in the pregnancy. Although at times it feels pretty empowering to do it all on my own, it would be nice to have my baby there to indulge me in my cravings for pound cake, tie my shoes in the morning, and look me in the eye and say "baby, everyday that you get bigger and bigger I love you even more."
Mood: Happy, but a total emotional basket-case. The other night I cried for about an hour out of no where. I realize now that next time that happens, I should not face-time my husband.
What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower and getting ready for our little girl to come into the world in just a few short weeks!
Seriously, can the three of you be any cuter? I loovvee the adorable onesie, the quirky card, the super cool stairway & beautful you! I can't wait to see the maternity pictures...I'm even more excited to meet your little ninja in Joon (June):D
Super cute onesie and I would love to eat some ice cream with you...can't wait to see you in less than 2 months! Wish I could be there this weekend! Love you!
ReplyDeleteHi Cait! You have probably watched this already, if not, have a look, I laughed so much when I watched it!
Big kisses kiddo!