Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Time to play a little catch-up

It did not occur to me to start this blog with the beginning of my pregnancy, because as I mentioned in the first post I am no good at keeping up with things, nor was I attune to the benefits of blogging. So, here I am...19 weeks and nothing to show for it! My husband did take a few pictures along the way, but had I put even an ounce of thought into them we may have wound up with some cute cohesive pictures (or maybe I would have realized I should at least be facing the same direction!), instead we have a somewhat scattered product (so apologies in advance). Regardless, here goes:

7.5 weeks

9.6 weeks

10.8 weeks

11.5 weeks

12.6 weeks

14 weeks (At this point, similar to losing the necessary "I'm 5 and 3 quarters!" as a child, I've lost interest (or energy rather) in exact points in time)

17 weeks

Now, I'm due for a 19 week shot. Keep you posted. On a side note, hubby leaves in less than 2 weeks--crazy how much I miss him already.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You look amazing! Post up pictures with your face as well...I want to see your pregnancy glow!
