Thursday, March 1, 2012

24 Weeks

And as my grandfather pointed out, "you're now reaching the region of viability." Thanks papa. He always did have a way with words. I know I know, I skipped week 23. Trust me, I look exactly the same: big and round...I'm starting to believe its possible for me to actually turn into a roly poly. Though, my recent completion of "Metamorphosis" by Kafka may have influenced that thought somewhat. Below is my 24 week shot. Since baby girl's ears are formed, she can hear a lot of what's going on in our outside world...including music. So, I put together a little compilation for her that includes some of mommy and daddy's favorite artists...a little Counting Crows (the old stuff), Radiohead, Jay-Z, Mana (I have this unrealistic hope that via musical osmosis our baby girl will become bilingual), Simon and Garfunkel, Pink Floyd, Jay Nash, Neil Young, Cat Stevens, Lupe Fiasco, Tracy Chapman, and the list goes on. And, of course, she really kicks to "Another Brick in the Wall"...I was afraid of this. Something tells me she might be a lot like her mommy.

How far along? 24 weeks!
How is she growing: Size of a bademjan!!! (bademjan = eggplant in farsi)
Weight gain so far: Up 12 lbs
Stretch marks? None so far. But I confess I've been inconsistent this week about applying my belly butter. I hear the key is the opposite of that, so I really do need to be more on top of it. My husband used to do it for me, so maybe subconsciously I avoid it sometimes since it makes me miss him more.
Belly button in or out: still in.
Wardrobe situation: Okay, the jury is really not out on this one anymore...I MUST give up my jeans. It has now gone from "indecent exposure" to "incredibly painful and uncomfortable". If I am not in new jeans by next week, I promise to give up mint chocolate chip ice cream for 3 full days. Okay 2 full days.
Sleep: Baby girl wakes up (almost on the dot) at 4am everyday ready to take on the world. Because the kicking really wakes me up too, I end up actually being my most productive. This morning from 4 - 5am I washed all the dishes, picked up my room, and sent work emails.
Best moment this week: Getting a much needed haircut and enjoying a clean room. Thanks baby girl for keeping mommy productive!
Movement: ...and still lots of it! I love watching her gymnastics from the outside. It looks like my belly is popping a whole bag of popcorn.
Food cravings/aversions:Anything sweet, but I've been pretty good about eating healthy. Well, except for my occasional mint chocolate chip ice cream scoop. Twice a day is occasional, right?
What I miss: Spicy food and my darling joon.
Mood: Happy most days, but still get pretty sad when I think about how much I miss being held by my husband and how much he is missing out on...
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Joon again in March and holding our baby girl in June! Oh, and turning 30! Yes, I am looking forward to being a year 20s are done, I am ready for a new decade. I have a feeling it will be the best one yet :).


  1. Question! The pictures on the wall are supposed to write something, right? Cat? Cai?
    BTW, I like your haircut!

    Lots of love!

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